Charlotte Craig

Commercial Pest Contol: Easy Ways to Tell When You Have a Bedbug Problem in Your Hotel

Bedbugs are the worst problem that can happen to you when you own or manage a hotel. They multiply fast and can fill every room within days. They will make your customers uncomfortable and even lead to loss of business. The best way to deal with bedbugs is to be on the lookout for signs of an infestation. Call a competent commercial exterminator when you notice these early warning signs that you might have bedbugs.

How to Tell If You Have Termites in Your Antique Furniture

Termites will eat anything as long as it contains wood. This means that even your antique furniture isn't safe from termite infestation. And since termites are often difficult to detect, you might not notice them until they have done significant damage to a piece of furniture. This is why you need to be vigilant and swift if you suspect that termites have infested a piece of antique furniture. If your antique furniture has a termite problem, then you will see the following signs of infestation.

Three Ways To Deal With Your Mattress After Finding A Bed Bug Infestation

The mere mention of some insects is often enough to make the skin crawl, and one such insect is the bed bug. Waking up to find little bite marks on your skin is the stuff of nightmares. So how exactly do you deal with this issue once you have confirmed that bed bugs are living on your mattress? Here are three treatment options to get these pests off your mattress and out of your life.

2 Key Reasons to Have a Pre-Home-Buying Termite Inspection Performed

Termites live in large colonies and are known for their destructive tendencies in man-influenced environments. If you are looking to buy a pre-existing house, you can never totally rule out the possibility it could be termite-infested. It is, therefore, important to have a pre-purchase termite inspection performed before placing on offer on the property. A termite inspection is a job typically carried out by termite inspection and control specialists and paid for by potential home buyers.

Pest Control – Do You Have A White Tail Spider Infestation?

Australia may be chock full of spider species, but most of these insects tend to be more of an irritant rather than venomous. However, this is not the case with the white tail spider. This native Australian arachnid is a prolific hunter and preys on other spiders to survive. White tail spiders are commonly grey or brown, but you can distinguish them from their other arachnid counterparts by the distinct white speck on their tail.