How to Prevent Termites From Infesting and Damaging Your Home

Termite damage can be very serious in a home, as termites can eat through a home's framework and drywall, as well as many other materials, which then leads to drafts, condensation build-up, and resultant mould growth. This damage can also weaken a home's structure so that it shifts and settles, and you may see cracks form along the ceiling, walls, and floors. Note a few ways to prevent termites from making their way into your home and causing this damage, and then discuss the risk of termite infestation with a pest control expert, if needed.

Air conditioner

Termites need wood and paper for food, but they also need a water source for hydration. The condensation that typically builds up around an air conditioner compressor is a favourite source of water for termites, so ensure that there is lots of air circulation around that compressor and its grills. This air circulation will help to dry off any condensation and moisture that may cling to the grills, fan blades, and other such pieces. Inspect the compressor regularly for water leaks and have the condensation hose changed or repaired as needed if you do notice those leaks forming.

Boxes and papers in the home

If you have cardboard boxes, old stacks of newspaper, old books, and other such paper items left uncovered in the home, this can entice termites into the home, and especially if these items are on the floor or stacked up against a wall. Use rubber or plastic totes and bins rather than cardboard boxes or old shoe boxes, and store paperwork, books, and other such items in secure plastic or rubber bins rather than leaving them exposed or in bags that termites can easily access.

Timber floors

Timber floors are very enticing for termites, even when sealed or painted. The underside of your home's timber floors may absorb moisture more readily than the top of the floor, and this moisture can also attract termites so that they have both a food and water source. If you're thinking of having timber floors installed, start with a termite barrier along the subfloor. If the floors are already installed, be sure they're inspected for termite damage every year, or as often as recommended by the floorboard manufacturer or a pest control expert. He or she may also recommend certain products that can be sprayed along the floorboards, or along the exterior of the home, that will protect all of the home's wood products from termites and their damage.

Click here for more information on termite control options in your area. 
